The centre of excellence for wildlife and conservation studies is awarded to the university by Govt of Gujarat in the year 2022-23 and it became functional from October 2023. The centre is developed as a premiere academic and research institute in Gujarat state dedicated to the science-based conservation of wildlife and natural resources of Gujarat state and nurture skilled human resources for conservation research and sustainable development.
To congregate with the vision of the state government to provide the state of art academic & research institute dedicated to wildlife conservation .
Mission :
• To inculcate research attitude and conservative vision among the young generation
• To create positive and alternative ideas of wildlife conservation synergically grow with constructive development
• To provide scientific decisive support to the Forest Department of Gujarat .

Prof. (Dr.) Atul H. Bapodra
I/C Vice Chancellor
Message from Vice Chancellor:
Conservation of our wildlife and natural resources is now one of the prime objectives of the United Nations under the SDGs and is also a mission of our honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. It is indeed a matter of proud for Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University family and the entire city of Junagadh, that the government of Gujarat has identified this university to award the Centre of Excellence for Wildlife and Conservation Studies. The centre is now become functional under the auspices of BKNM University and I am sure it will be a flagship institute for wildlife and conservation research in the state. We are planning to launch several short term and long-term academic and research programs at this centre, which will cater the needs of science and the society. I am confident that this centre will take up various research studies on the wildlife of Gujarat; and our research studies will become instrumental in the sustainable development of the state. I urge the national and international research organizations and individuals to join us as a collaborator and become a partner of the successful journey of this centre towards the excellence.

Dr Nishith Dharaiya
Message from Director:
It is a matter of pride and pleasure for me to be appointed as the first director of this centre at BKNM University in the forest city of Gujarat, Junagadh. Gujarat is known for its ecosystem diversity from the longest coastline to the vast desert, from dry-deciduous forests to the moist forests; and these ecosystems harbours a variety of wildlife species including some endemic plants and animals. It is very important to initiate the science-based conservation of these species to cop up with changing climate, land use pattern and rapid development. This centre is established with the goal to conduct scientific research, which can assist the policy makers to undertake development project, cater the need of the academia to have a state-of-the-art institute for wildlife research and to provide a well skilled human resource to the society especially in the field of wildlife and conservation biology. As a director of this centre, I envision several long-term research studies, conservation actions and initiate the academic courses in the near future. I would also take the opportunity to invite all the conservation organizations, scientists, students and wildlife enthusiast to join this centre and contribute your expertise, knowledge and experience as we believe that the conservation science is a two-way street for gaining and giving the knowledge. I would also welcome your suggestions to strengthen this institution so that we can serve better to the mother nature and our society.